Thursday, December 13, 2012

Live, Laugh, Learn...

Today is day number 2 that I have been able to walk without assistance, without a limp, and faster than I usually walk! Pain, minimal...

Aleve, & Tiger balm seriously help my back pain, stiffness in my right knee and ankle. After using it and letting it seep in I am able to feel almost back to "normal".

The things that I experience daily, not only add to my uniqueness but have become my new normal. I don't even remember what it is like to not experience pain, to have coordination, fine motor skills, equilibrium, strength on my right side (dominant side), can't stand or walk long, tremors (looking like I'm nervous all the time). Being without all of those symptoms is well, faint memories.
Although I adapted,  I adapted and recently learned...

...Soup, not a good look for someone who suffers from tremors.

Lol straws and non liquid based foods all the way. :-). I gave it a great try and when it's said and done, I tried and learned (the soup (chicken gumbo) was delicious too). You learn something new everyday, right? Lol yesterday that was my lesson learned. All day everyday, With determination I am Still living, laughing, and learning. :-)

You've got to try either succeed or not, you definitely learn.  Learning is always a great experience. 
"You learn something new everyday"


  1. I enjoy reading ur blogs! I admire how u push forward through ur day to day challenges and how ur able to share the good along with the bad. What I really love to hear is when u know u are having a great day!!!

    S.Mac :-)

    1. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my blogs. I am glad that you enjoy them. Thank you again.

  2. You are simply amazing. While many complain about the small things in life, you are able to embrace your challenges with a courageous strength. That speaks vibrantly of your character and is quite admirable. Most would not be able to endure what you have, let alone with a smile....keep smiling, it's beautiful on you

    1. Thank you for your compliments. I appreciate your kind words.
